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Poster Campaign

Introducing #GREENGAINS, a new feel-good lifestyle campaign encouraging outdoor fitness.

Problem: 66% of people in the UK say they don't look after their health as much as they should, with 1 in 5 people saying they find a gym environment intimidating.

Solution: Outdoor exercise has proven to reduce stress and improve immunity, with 70% of gym members saying that outdoor activities are the best way to achieve their fitness goals. On top of that, exercise in green spaces has shown improvements in overall well-being and motivation - who needs a gym bud when nature has your back ;)

The campaign consists of a series of playful posters located in public spaces and sees gym-goers interact playfully with the outdoor environment. Whether it is yoga or hitting them gains, nature IS the new gym friend everyone needs. It's time to rep the green.

Early developments show the ideas behind the final posters. Eye-catching green colour selected for optimal engagement with posters. Personifying nature as a 'gym-bud' creates a familiar atmosphere for gym-goers and active people. Morphing gym equipment with flowers and plants create an engaging blend of exercise and the outdoors.

GIF was created as a fun addition to optimise the hashtag usage for online audiences.

(Statistics from and, Mock-ups from

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